Can anyone give some tips on how to add the launch contol patch defs to RomRaider.I have editted the A4RN1000.hex file in ECUFlash as below, but prefer to use RomRaider for all my edits. There are slight difference used in the two definitions (such as 'address' in ecuflash and 'storageaddress=' in romraider, as well as 0x prepended to addresses etc). If you could ensure the format match that of RomRaider it may work.You might be better off to PM Merchgod or wait for him to respond in here as to whether it will actually work.EDIT: I just had a go at converting the LC patch from ecuflash xml format into the correct format for romraider. I can get it to display in RomRaider, changes I make in RomRaider are saved in the ROM and are there when opened with ECUFlash. But I CAN NOT say with 100% certainty that it will work once flashed - in all honesty it could brick your ECU.Hopefully Merchgod can go over what I did (below) and tell us if it will be ok###Deleted to save ppl from bricking their ECU.###Current Car: 2002 ADM WRX STiCurrent Engine: EJ207Current Mods: X-Force 3' TBE Exhaust, GCG 'bolt-on' GT3076R, APS 3' Hard Turbo Inlet, Short Ram Pod, RomRaider/ECUFlash TuneCurrent Power: 248kw@wheels (332whp)Last edited by on Tue May 12, 2009 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cool beans merchgod.WARNING TO ANYONE CONSIDERING THISFor anyone considering doing this, please MAKE SURE you use the storageaddress location for your ROM - DO NOT just copy and past what I have posted.Failing to use the correct storageaddress can BRICK YOUR ECU - you have been warned.Current Car: 2002 ADM WRX STiCurrent Engine: EJ207Current Mods: X-Force 3' TBE Exhaust, GCG 'bolt-on' GT3076R, APS 3' Hard Turbo Inlet, Short Ram Pod, RomRaider/ECUFlash TuneCurrent Power: 248kw@wheels (332whp). The thread is not about adding launch control to RomRaider, but rather integrating Tinywrex's LC patch xml into RomRaider so you can adjust the settings in RomRaider without having to use ECUFlash - you'd still need to patch your ROM using Tinywrex's LC patch for LC to actually workMerchgod, Ill try and liase with Tinywrex and get all the storage addresses used in the 16bit ROM LC patch and then create the required xml for the RomRaider definitions for those ROMs. If I do this, would you be interested in adding this xml to the next release of the ecu definitions for those 16bit ROMs?My thought is that if it is added to the definitions, at least ppl who have patched their ROMs will be able to edit the settings in RomRaider - and it shouldn't effect those that haven't patched their ROMs - or would adding this cause problems of some sort? I could set the user level to 4 or 5 so the majority don't even know it is there if that helps.LeslieCurrent Car: 2002 ADM WRX STiCurrent Engine: EJ207Current Mods: X-Force 3' TBE Exhaust, GCG 'bolt-on' GT3076R, APS 3' Hard Turbo Inlet, Short Ram Pod, RomRaider/ECUFlash TuneCurrent Power: 248kw@wheels (332whp). Merchgod, Ill try and liase with Tinywrex and get all the storage addresses used in the 16bit ROM LC patch and then create the required xml for the RomRaider definitions for those ROMs. If I do this, would you be interested in adding this xml to the next release of the ecu definitions for those 16bit ROMs?The issue with that is 1. It would confuse users thinking that the ROM had launch control when it didn't 2.
Some commercial ROMs (Cobb or Ecutek) may use the same data locations for code/data than tinywrex uses, so if someone was tuning one of those ROMs and started messing with the launch control parameters, it would cause problems.I'll will always keep the official defs limited to only to 100% factory ROM tuning (no support for aftermarket hacks). Best to keep things consistent. Remember, though, that RomRaider uses the ECU definition manager. There is no reason why you can't create a set of defs with ONLY launch control defs. The user can add it to the def manager and move it to the top when they want to tune LC and move it after the official defs when they are done.
Just don't include any defs other than the LC defs.Really, though, how often are you changing the LC thresholds that you have to have it in RomRaider? Just use Ecuflash to change it. After all, you have to open the ROM in Ecuflash anyway in order to flash it.
Contents.TunerPro offers a very good method of editing flash files with its 'Patch' function.We used this feature to create an 'All-In-One' solution for editing engine displacement independant functions, like EWS or checksum delete, M3 cluster warmup and shiftlights,etc.All these feature change the program code of the ECU so use it with caution and correct checksums before flashing or use MS4X Dev Group Flasher from as it corrects them automatically.At the moment this is only compatible with the MS430069 software version.